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Cultivating Parent-Child Relationships 

Welcome to My Meaningful Visits! We are dedicated to serving families in Solano and Napa Counties. Our mission is to provide neutral, safe , and reliable supervised child visitation monitoring services so you can have peace of mind that your children are in good hands. We believe in putting the safety and well-being of your children first.



Supervised Visitation

We provide a safe and neutral environment for children to visit with their non-custodial parents. Our trained monitor observes the visit in a completely neutral and objective manner, ensuring the safety and well-being of the children. We are committed to making every visit a positive and productive experience for both the parents and the children involved.


Court Reporting

We provide detailed reports and testimony that can be relied upon for their accuracy and thoroughness regarding supervised visits when requested by the court.


Supervised Exchange

Supervised Parent Exchange service is to ensure the safety of children when exchanging between parents. We understand the sensitive nature of these exchanges and uphold any restraining orders or legal agreements made between parents. 


My name is Susan (Kastner) Gaul

My name us Susan (Kastner) Gaul. I am a professional provider of supervised visitation services and owner of My Meaninful Visits.  As a divorced mother of four adult children and paralegal, I understand firsthand the complexities of the court orders, custody and visitation process. That's why I founded My Meaningful Visits to provide neutral, compassionate and empathetic support to families that are facing challenges in their current family life. 

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Legal - What governs the Superivsed 

Uniform Standard of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation

Family Code sections 3200 and 3200.5.

This standard defines the standards of practice, including duties and obligations, for providers of supervised visitation under Family Code sections 3200 and 3200.5. Unless specified otherwise, the standards of practice are designed to apply to all providers of supervised visitation, whether the provider is a friend, relative, paid independent contractor, employee, intern, or volunteer operating independently or through a supervised visitation center or agency. The goal of these standards of practice is to assure the safety and welfare of the child, adults, and providers of supervised visitation. Once safety is assured, the best interest of the child is the paramount consideration at all stages and particularly in deciding the manner in which supervision is provided. Each court is encouraged to adopt local court rules necessary to implement these standards of practice.

(a) Any standards for supervised visitation providers adopted by the Judicial Council pursuant to Section 3200 shall conform to this section. A provider, as described in Section 3200, shall be a professional provider or nonprofessional provider.


(b) In any case in which the court has determined that there is domestic violence or child abuse or neglect, as defined in Section 11165.6 of the Penal Code, and the court determines supervision is necessary, the court shall consider whether to use a professional or nonprofessional provider based upon the child's best interest.



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